About Ashley

Health + Nutrition Coach. Kundalini Yoga Instructor.
Actress. Singer/Songwriter. Speaker.

I’ve always been athletic (I was a dancer in high school), intellectually curious (I studied Psychology with an emphasis in Cognitive Neuroscience, Philosophy, Biology and Communication in college), and creative. And I’ve always loved cooking and food. My mom used to find me watching cooking shows in the morning instead of cartoons. But my health and wellness journey has included some dark and scary twists and turns. The kind that many people are not fortunate enough to come back from.

I “self-medicated” - abusing alcohol and later cocaine from my late teens until my mid-twenties. I struggled with eating disordered behavior - bingeing and purging during my college years and actually admiring women who had the “self-discipline” to be fully anorexic. In fact, that was part of the reason I was attracted to cocaine. It suppressed my appetite. It was also the only way I knew to escape the crushing depression I experienced on a daily basis. Looking back now, there were highlight moments, but my life was largely drama, chaos and severe self-hatred. I was in bad romantic relationships that I couldn’t bring myself to end. I sought answers to my dysfunction in prescription medications - antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics - and I descended into a hellish several years of cutting and serious suicide attempts that resulted in multiple hospitalizations. All of this seemed so incongruous with who I considered myself to be: a straight A student, a good-hearted person, someone destined to succeed.

What turned it around for me? Other people believing in me when I couldn’t believe in myself helped a lot, and that informs my coaching today. Also, making small changes, replacing destructive habits with healthy ones gradually and celebrating every success. Sure, some changes made bigger and faster impacts than others: getting clean and sober for instance, which I couldn’t have done without a lot of willingness and an incredible amount of guidance and support. But once I understood that destructive habits can’t be abruptly ended - they must be replaced with healthy habits that cue the same reward pathway - I was on my way to implementing change after positive change. Discovering Kundalini yoga was another powerhouse in my transformation - developing insight, compassion, and a sense of discipline that was mature instead of punitive.

Now there are many positive things I do for my health and well-being on a daily basis. I meditate. I exercise. I eat healthy whole foods. I don’t do these things because I feel I “have to”, but because I truly love myself and I focus on making choices that make me feel good physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I heard on a podcast once (and I wish I knew who to credit with saying this): “What would someone who loves herself do”? That’s how I navigate today. I ask myself that question when faced with any and every decision. What I’ve learned is that when you consistently practice making choices out of love, you eventually come to like, respect - and truly love - yourself.

Having gone from literally wanting to die to knowing the level of bliss and freedom that I consistently experience today, the greatest gift I can give is to shine a light and share the possibility of this experience with others. I am committed to supporting you on YOUR path. I will help you realize what that is without judgment or pressure, just safety and support. I know what it’s like to be afraid, and sometimes we need someone to hold our hand and guide us. I will offer you ideas and information and cheer you on as you see yourself transform over time.

I am passionate about health, nutrition, and planning, prepping and cooking healthy meals. I am passionate about implementing behaviors that shift us toward our highest potential and our most positive experience of ourselves. I am excited to share my experience and enthusiasm with you. In case no one has told you today, let me… You are a badass and you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. I look forward to cheering you on your adventure!