The Dangers of Plastic

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By Ashley Miers

Plastic is an important topic, especially for moms. Chemicals found in plastic such as BPA can harm reproductive function and have a negative impact on fertility. These toxins also impair children’s development. Toxins from plastic are carcinogenic and can leach into food and water stored in plastic containers, especially when those containers are heated.

In addition to the toxic effects of plastic on our bodies, plastics are devastating wildlife and our environment. The Pacific Garbage Patch, a floating mass of plastic between California and Hawaii, is larger than the state of Texas. Plastic can be found in the bellies of seabirds, turtles, whales and many other marine animals, and it can also be found embedded beneath kilometers of arctic sea ice. Plastic has saturated our planet, and it’s important that we all do our part to eliminate the use of plastics in our lives and at a legislative level to ensure that our planet will be able to sustain future generations.

Ways to eliminate (or at least drastically reduce) the use of plastic:

  • Carry a reusable glass or stainless steel water bottle instead of consuming water or other beverages sold in plastic bottles

  • Carry reusable totes to all stores (not just the grocery store) to bag your items at checkout

  • Carry reusable mesh produce bags to eliminate using plastic bags for fruits and vegetables at the grocery store

  • Invest in reusable metal straws and use them when you buy beverages on the go or at restaurants

  • Invest in reusable, biodegradable food wraps like Etee to eliminate the use of Ziploc bags and Saran Wrap

  • Store food and beverages in glass or metal containers instead of plastic tupperware

Clean LivingAshley Miers