Meditating on a Masterpiece


By Anne Schuyler Williams McGraw

The Astounding Creativity of Self Mastery is the most magnificent Artistry in all of Existence. Never before or since this mystical endeavor of Spiritual expression, have Masterpieces been labored over, or delivered in such an infinite number of mediums. Each Life with its own merit, inherent in the Truth of both Individual and Collective experiences, tells the story of our Lifelong conversation with the Divine.

We live, breathe, walk and grow throughout Life in an endless meditation, collecting thoughts, experiences and memories that are either cleared and discarded, or integrated as Truth.

Personal truth, family truth, society truth, Spiritual truth, everyone has their own version of it.

For all Truths are in some way valid in their own right, and Spirit recognizes this in any language, any format, any expression.

The Universe is an endless Symphony of energetic experiences harmonizing on a Pentatonic scale. Each dimension has its own unique vibration and frequency, throughout the layers of our bodies, resonating through the Cosmos.

Every Soul has its own unique Diamond God core essence, a Gift from the Creator; A Divine gesture of Unfathomable Love and Inconceivable Generosity, that cannot be returned.

Few of Us will ever receive a present so unattainable and unimaginable, that it cannot be reciprocated. It is the deepest and most profound honor, humbling to the very core, when You actually open Your Sacred Heart to FEEL the Love that was installed there, inside this gem. It is not a fable or a story, it is an actual particle of Our utterly Divine, Wise, Dear Source.

Do You understand the weight of this Beauty?

(...Go ahead, take a Breath, think of it: there is actually a piece of the Creator inside You, not simply a symbol or a myth!)

You carry within You the raw material of Source, in a very appropriate size for this physical vessel, and this density. It is still the absolute makings of every Master ever made, which places every one of Us on the proverbial path...

As humans living in a far denser Dimension, most of Us are unable to comprehend it without much meditation, prayer, and introspection: the un-returnable favor of Creation, in the form of this Divine bequest. We do not have the ability to do this for our Mother or Father God, the Gift is far more Grand than we could fashion!

There is no way to duplicate or recreate a synthetic version of any particle of pure Creation.

Such a Gift can only be Acknowledged, Polished and Amplified through Awakening, which leads to the potential for Transformation, and Ascension.

That is how we return the favor, by polishing and later presenting the Diamond within, in any number of authentic ways.

There is no right or wrong, as Spiritual healing and Evolution are as messy, and even painful as some would describe childbirth. Each labor of Love yields its own bond with Source.

Everyone is different, and yet some things are inescapably similar. Most beings yearn to express their Divinity, and will pursue an endless array of methods and modalities to do so, in a way that suits the Spirit.

Unexpressed Light is not simply uncomfortable. It leads to blockages in the mental, physical, emotional or spiritual bodies, that can cause many types of illness, and problematic distortions. Learning to express the Luminance within as a Divine Messenger, is a full time occupation, and not one for the faint of Heart!

These three phases of Awakening, Transformation and Ascension happen continuously, and cyclically, not only Miraculously, in a single moment.

Many Now moments will be required in this Artful renovation and restoration of the Soul, the Consciousness. Some exceptions occur when an individual receives what is referred to as an “Instant Activation,” and while those people are fascinating and fortunate, this is truly not the case for most of Us!

It is important that we know and understand:

Most Ascended Masters spend their whole Life, and in many cases several Lifetimes perfecting, polishing and presenting continuously innovative versions of self, until they reach an entirely new Dimension of Source.

No two Souls make the journey the same way, even as partners or family.

This is what makes an Artist into an Ascended Master, a Master of Self, and an Advanced level Co-Creator of Universal expansion. The Individual Initiate begins to Inspire others to walk the path, illuminating and communicating Spirit, in the medium of Transformation.

We begin to recognize through art, music and other forms of communication, that stories of the Spiritual journey apply to every being.

They transcend space and time.

A Masterpiece is timeless in its power to become a form of Gospel, whether in print, paint, song, or Spirit.

So when we decide to Co-Create a work of Art with the raw materials given Us by the Almighty, it is an endeavor to refine the absolute Masterpiece that was already there.

You are as precious, rare, and unrivaled as the finest treasure, priceless and irreplaceable. Your components are invaluable and must be treated that way, especially by Yourself.

It has been said that the Universe can only treat You the way You treat Yourself.

The Cosmos respond to Our own resonance, ceaselessly- positive OR negative.

We choose with each thought, every feeling and action how the signal emitted from our intentions will tune our frequency.

Polish the finest aspects of the multifaceted jewel within, by acknowledging its beauty, Divinity and Power. To Amplify something You must acknowledge its worth, sincerely.

Then, let the parts of Yourself You might consider flaws be considered in New Light, with more Unconditional Love, and You May begin to gestate a rebirth of all former distortions.

They are transmuted constantly into a state of Grace. They Grow into the Gifts You can deliver to the World as Your Personal Masterpiece:

A new Life that goes on forever as an Immortal message to Humanity, about the Mastery of Self. And the unparalleled Joy of expressing Your Diamond God core essence.

As the process is trusted and embraced by the ego, eventually a merging happens with the Higher-self, and the human aspects Evolve to living as a work of Art, as opposed to a ‘work in progress’.

The point of all this effort is to LOVE Yourself and Your Creator in all phases, whether you are Caterpillar, Cocoon, or Butterfly. Each part of the journey is Sacred and perfect in its own way, so please, Love Love Love Your path, and treat Yourself with every bit of compassion and patience You would offer to a favorite child. To be truly tender-hearted and unconditionally Loving towards ourselves and everyone in this school of Initiation, behooves Us All. Compassion is the key, in every stage.

The process continues infinitely, and as Divine beings we can aspire to make many creations. The project of balancing Darkness and Light within, to utilize both effectively; and project Gracefully and Graciously out, is an audacious aspiration, and yet the most worthwhile of all endeavors Possible.

So as we make this pilgrimage together, it is imperative to do so with Faith and Kindness. As we climb higher and higher through the levels of Consciousness, we are responsible for all our Soul Brothers and Sisters, should any of Us stumble or fall.

And when we pick each other up, each one of Us with one Wing, we notice that it is indeed possible to Fly, by embracing each other.