Music + Mental Health

By Ashley Miers

What does music have to do with mental health? In a word… Everything!

Music has an extraordinary ability to influence our emotions and mental states, making it a powerful tool for promoting mental health. Numerous studies have shown that listening to music can have a direct impact on mood regulation, stress reduction, and even cognitive performance. For example, slow-tempo music with a gentle melody has been linked to relaxation and decreased stress levels, while upbeat and energetic tunes can boost mood and motivation.

Music elicits powerful emotional responses and can therefore be used to intentionally invoke specific moods and states - both physiologically and in terms of direct subjective experience. For example, we’re all familiar with the power of certain songs to move us to tears, to bring a smile to our face, or to motivate and energize us during a workout. The entertainment industry is acutely aware of music’s power in this capacity: music is utilized very effectively in television and films to enhance the emotional impact of scenes and suggest the personalities of various characters.

Beyond its emotional effects, music has been incorporated into therapeutic practices, such as music therapy, where trained professionals use music interventions to address individualized goals. Whether it's playing an instrument, singing, or simply listening, engaging with music activates various regions of the brain associated with emotions, memory, and reward.

Music, like many other creative modalities and art forms, can be an entry point into “flow” states of consciousness where we are so immersed in what we are doing that we lose sense of time and competing distractions. In fact, music - in the form of binaural beat technology - can even be used to entrain brainwaves to evoke alpha frequencies… The frequencies associated with the “flow” state of consciousness. In short, music can be used to create a feedback system with the brain that - when practiced consistently - can train the brain to access the alpha wave “flow” state and operate it in on more of a regular basis. This state is associated with calm, clear thinking and the ability to be more effective in one’s work and activities, and it’s not hard to see how this can enhance outcomes in life - both personally and professionally - overall.

Personalized playlists tailored to specific mental health needs can be a practical and enjoyable way for individuals to integrate music into their daily lives and experience its myriad mood and mental health benefits. Whether it's creating a calming playlist for relaxation or compiling upbeat tracks for a motivation boost, the versatility of music allows for a tailored approach to cultivating mental and emotional well-being.

Takeaways and Implementation

  • Create your own personal playlist of songs that shift you to a happy, uplifted state

  • What do you notice about the tempo, instrumentation, lyrics and other aspects of these songs? Do they have certain elements in common? What about them brings you comfort and/or enjoyment?

  • When you are in challenging or distressing emotional moments, put your playlist on as an active practice you can use to intentionally work on shifting your state. How agile can you become at shifting your energy from a heavy place to a more light-hearted one?

  • How do you think utilizing this practice regularly could improve your mood and mental health overall?