“I loved Ashley’s enthusiasm and ability to listen and give good feedback. My favorite part of the program were the coaching calls. I benefited from listening to the others in the group. I liked the homework assignments, too. They helped me to explore myself and my issues. I was able to develop a self care routine that I follow pretty faithfully. At the beginning of the program, I was pretty depressed and crying a lot. I liked the process because it made me realize that there is hope. During the program I began to feel better. Ashley is a great coach. She’s knowledgeable and very encouraging. She showed me that I didn’t have to stay in the pit of despair and that there are actions I can do to feel better.”
- Barbara T.

“From the moment I started, I felt so supported and by the second week from talking to Ashley, doing the homework and putting things into practice, I began feeling like a completely different person. I found each module of the program to be beneficial and came across a stumbling block with the goals one but have now come out of the program feeling clearer, lighter and happier than I have ever been. It's consistent too! I really feel so consistently happy and am so proud to say that my anxiety has pretty much disappeared, which is amazing as prior to commencing the program I was riddled with it and often had panic attacks over health issues I was experiencing. I now have strategies and affirmations to support me if I do feel anxiety creeping up and am able to shut it down pretty quickly and effectively. My belief and confidence in myself has returned and how I perceive myself positively as a mum. My relationships with my husband and family have improved so much and eliminating toxic relationships I was holding on to has been a game changer and was what I discovered to be a major trigger for my anxiety.”
- Genevieve D.

”The coaching calls were the best part I think. Making contact with others who are also struggling to move forward and grow. Also you are so good at understanding, relating to and having empathy with us. In short Ashley you are the gift in your program!! Your confidence, commitment and compassion. Your ability to find the balance between encouraging and inspiring me so that I begin to take steps towards healing is truly the greatest blessing. Ashley you have created this program out of your desire to help those lost as you once were and your empathy, knowledge and support are what makes it work. TTT has helped me take manageable steps toward seeing the possibility in each new day. I am beginning to realize that I am not my struggles and that daily practices like exercise, mindfulness, eating well, celebrating the small things, and making plans help me to move in a positive direction. I am learning to reframe my habits and my thoughts and am gaining the strength I need to stand in my own truth. In you and the other participants I have found those comrades I longed for and I am more grounded and hopeful because of it.”
- Tracie O.

“Before the program, I was completely alone in the particular struggles I was having, was able to have fun and pretend, but knew my habits and my way of thinking wasn't sustainable. I couldn't focus on anything, and felt stuck in my own universe. Throughout the program, I've begun to realize I am not alone, and I've been able to release so much of the fear I've been holding on to, and continue with my life. Ashley was right there every step of the way, and has been amazing. I'm so relieved and grateful that I was able to have this experience, and I will carry what I've learned with me throughout my life, and share with others who are struggling.”
- Ava S.

“Thank you, Ashley. I feel like I went through the “Ashley Machine” and came out pretty good on the other side. When people say that “there are no words” I feel the same way. I can’t even begin to explain how grateful I am. I think I have learned to show up for myself, modify my behavior and reactions, and live my truth. I feel more confident and my self-esteem has improved. My eyes have been open to things I never heard about such as DBT. I have also met others who have their own struggles and I hope to stay in touch with them. I could go on and on.”
- Laura C.

“Ashley Miers is a highly talented and knowledgeable professional. She did a fantastic job helping me select excellent, nutritious foods, which ultimately led me to a healthier eating style and a significant weight loss of twenty pounds. Ashley took the time to carefully assess the items in my pantry and we eliminated ones that are not beneficial to my well-being. She is a great educator. Additionally, Ashley is very physically fit, agile, highly coordinated, and inspirational when it comes to body movement and balance. I’m so happy with the work she’s done with me. I highly recommend Ashley Miers to anyone in search of a positive, encouraging and enlightened individual who can help you achieve better health, whether it be through yoga or making nutritious choices.”
- Betsy Hammer, RSM Records Recording Artist

“Ashley taught me a breathing meditation that I could practice for 5 minutes before bed after I experienced a loss in my life. The meditation was simple and effective. It helped to calm and center me. Ashley’s guidance was gentle, non-intrusive, and sensitive to the state I was in at the time. I felt understood and supported. Ashley offered me a technique that didn’t overwhelm me, but did help shift me toward compassion and self-care.”
- Liz R.