Gardenia Johnson: Support Specialist/Assistant Coach + content & Marketing

Gardenia is a heart-centered healer who empowers other women to stand up for themselves in ways that help them to experience health, happiness, safety and respect. Gardenia has a background in writing and non-profit service work.


Genevieve Darling: Client Relations/ASSISTANT COACH + Content & Marketing

Genevieve is a qualified Integrative Health Coach, Marketer and Writer who lights up empowering women to live vibrantly with their heart and thrive in today’s world. Gen’s role within AMH is to participate in coaching, interface with clients and community members, and contribute to content creation and marketing efforts.

Gen combines her two greatest passions - wellness and connection - with experience from her own healing journey to focus on helping women break free from their fears and anxieties to cultivate the life they desire through nutrition, lifestyle, mindfulness and self-care. You can read about Gen’s personal journey living with and conquering anxiety (and how she came to be working with Ashley’s amazing company) here .

Gen feels blessed to live in Sydney, Australia with the love of her life and their two children. In Gen’s off hours she enjoys cooking, reading, yoga, traveling and singing at weddings. 


Vegan Nutritionist Diploma
Centre of Excellence (2020)

HubSpot Social Media Certification (2020)

Integrative Health Coach
Institute of Integrative Nutrition (2014-2015) 

Bachelor of Management
(Tourism Management)
University of Technology, Sydney


Mackenzie Dudzik: Social Media Manager

Mackenzie manages all things social here at Ashley Miers Health! She is responsible for creating the AMH graphics seen on Ashley's Instagram, as well as the AMH Facebook Page and Group, and collaborates with her AMH team members to create exciting projects every month for AMH members to participate in! Mackenzie has been working in the social media world for the last 5 years and gets inspired by connecting with female entrepreneurs all across the world!

Mackenzie is originally from Buffalo, NY, and spent 6 years in New York, NY working in media and entertainment before moving to sunny Los Angeles, CA! When Mackenzie's not connecting with the AMH digital community, she enjoys taking road trips throughout California and exploring the unique destinations and natural wonders of the West Coast!